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Sea Treat and Related Entities

Introduction and Overview

On May 18, 2016, upon application of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Deloitte Restructuring Inc. (previously Deloitte & Touche Inc.) (“Deloitte") was appointed interim receiver (the “Interim Receiver") without security, of all the assets, undertakings and properties of Sea Treat Limited and certain related companies (listed below and collectively referred to as the “Debtors") pursuant to an order granted by the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador (the “Court").​​

The Debtors consist of:

Sea Treat Limited                               Court No. 13515

Daley Brothers Limited                       Court No. 13516

D.B.L. Fishing Company Limited          Court No. 13517

10561 Newfoundland Limited              Court No. 13518

10563 Newfoundland Limited              Court No. 13519

Kegaska Seafoods Limited                  Court No. 13520

Missing Link Limited                           Court No. 13521

Grand Banker Enterprise Ltd.              Court No. 13522

Anchor Shellfish Inc.                          Court No. 13523

Viking Sea Products Ltd.                     Court No. 13524

Vair Holdings Limited                          Court No. 13525

St. Paul Seafoods Ltd.                         Court No. 13526

CB Seafoods Limited                           Court No. 13527

Howard Turner and Sons Limited         Court No. 13528

513087 N.B.Inc.                                 Court No. 13529

Le Fruits De Mer Shippagan Ltee         Court No. 13530

Cheticamp Packers (1991) Limited      Court No. 13531

La Digue Fisheries Limited                  Court No. 13532

A hearing with the Court has been scheduled for June 20, 2023 at 230pm Newfoundland and Labrador Standard Time where the Interim Receiver is seeking an Order:

(i)           Approving the activities of the Interim Receiver as set out in the Interim Receiver's Fourth Report to the Court;

(ii)          Approving the accounts of the Interim Receiver and its counsel;

(iii)         Approving the distribution of funds as proposed by the Interim Receiver as set out in the Interim Receiver's Fourth Report; and

​(iv)         Discharging the Interim Receiver.

Further information regarding the administration of the Debtors estate is contained within the Fourth Report of the Receiver, a copy of which can be found below. 

Contact Information

​If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact:


Colleen O'Brien

Manager, Financial Advisory



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Last updated Jun 21, 2023

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